What is Nutritional Therapy?

Naturopathic nutrition combines the sciences of biochemistry and nutrition with natural therapies and lifestyle changes in order to help you maintain a good state of health.

Naturopathic nutrition is holistic because it aims to work with the person as a whole, addressing the underlying imbalances that may be impacting on health and based on human physiology, rather than just acting on symptoms.

Protocols are tailored to each person’s unique needs, taking into account lifestyle, work life, health history, ethics and food preferences. Nutrition and lifestyle recommendations are combined with a programme of targeted supplements, herbs and other natural remedies to address any imbalances and help you feeling energised and confident in your body and health again.

Here’s how it works…

  • 1 - Book a Package

    Once you select the package that suits you, you will be asked to schedule the initial 90-minute consultation. You will also be sent a 7-day food journal and a health assessment questionnaire.

  • 2 - The Consultation

    During the initial consultation, we will discuss your symptoms and I will ask you questions about your nutrition habits, lifestyle, and health history in order to create a therapeutic protocol that best suits your needs and to support you in achieving your health goals.

  • 3 - Your Personalised Protocol

    Within 5 days of the consultation, you will be provided with a detailed nutrition and lifestyle protocol, designed for your unique bio-inidivuhality. Supplementations, functional testing recommendations and printable handouts will also be included.

All consultations are done online through Zoom or telephone calls. You will be expected to implement most (if not all!) the recommendations in a way that is most comfortable and enjoyable for you. You are also more than welcome and encouraged to message as often as you need to with questions about the protocol and/or anything you'd like more explanation and guidance for. Educating my clients is incredibly important to me - the more knowledge I can impart on how certain foods, nutrients, and wellness practices can benefit your unique mind and body and improve your symptoms, the more confident and positive my clients will be after the package and our time working together has ended.


The follow-up consultations take place between 4-8 weeks after you have received your protocol, but this can also be adjusted to fit your needs. The number of consultations necessary depends on your unique situation. The aim of follow-up consultations are to monitor your progress, assess what has worked well and what has not worked so well, and the protocol is updated to align with your evolving needs.